Will Hawaii soon have a third Saint?

Servant of God Joseph Dutton, a layman, dedicated his life in service to the victims of Hansen’s disease (Leprosy) at the settlement at Molokai, Hawaii in the 19th Century.  He is a worthy example of a man who fulfilled the commandment to Love your Neighbor, especially the least of God’s people.  An American Samaritan.

This book will give readers insight into the personality, faith and courage of Servant of God Joseph Dutton.  Read his own words in his autobiography, Joseph Dutton – His Memoirs, edited by Howard Case, 1931, fully included in this book. The book also details the history and development of the remarkable settlements at Kalaupapa and Kalawao on 19th Century Molokai from Dutton’s arrival in 1886 until his passing in 1931, a 44-year span during which Dutton never left his patients or the settlement.

Joseph Dutton – His Life * His Service * His Legacy is a project of the Joseph Dutton Guild.  The purpose is to bring the Molokai story up to date and provide additional stories and materials so the reader can better appreciate the sacrifice that Joseph Dutton made when he landed on Molokai in 1886 after his traumatic Civil War service.  In addition to Hawaii, Dutton’s legacy lives on in Stowe, Vermont, his birthplace; and, in Janesville, Wisconsin, where he grew to manhood and entered the Civil War at eighteen.

The Diocese of Honolulu, led by Bishop Larry Silva, initiated the Cause of Canonization of the Servant of God Joseph Dutton in 2022.  The initial diocesan phase of the cause has been completed in January 2024.  The Historical Committee and the Bishop determined the research shows Joseph Dutton is a man of heroic virtue.  The documents were sent to the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints in Rome to further the cause of Servant of God Joseph Dutton.  Should the Dicastery agree that Dutton is a person of Heroic Virtue, they will declare him “Venerable”, moving him a step along to the beatification and canonization, if it is God’s will.  Joseph Dutton, would become only the fourth American born Saint.

The cover illustration was made for this book by Hawaiian artist, Phil Sabado.  It is a synopsis of the Kalaupapa story.  St. Damien is at the top near the steeple of St. Philomena Church that he built for the spiritual comfort of the Kalaupapa community.  St. Marianne followed, uplifting the care for this suffering community on Kalaupapa.  Servant of God Joseph Dutton is shown at the bottom of the scene, joyfully shouldering his duties for the 8000 who died at Kalaupapa as penance for his “dark years”, 44 years before.

Brother Joseph Dutton

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Brother Joseph Dutton

Product Details

Joseph Dutton – His Life * His Service * His Legacy will give readers insight into the personality, faith and courage of Servant of God Joseph Dutton, a layman who dedicated his life in service to the victims of Hansen's disease (Leprosy) at the settlement at Molokai, Hawaii in the 19th Century.

Joseph Dutton – His Life * His Service * His Legacy is a project of the Joseph Dutton Guild. The book purchase, hardcopy or electronic, is a donation to the Joseph Dutton Guild in Hawaii to support their costs. The Guild is a registered non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. Your purchase receipt is your proof of donation for tax purposes. Thank you for your donation.


6 x 9

344 pages

The book purchase, hardcopy or electronic, is a donation to the Joseph Dutton Guild in Hawaii to support their costs.  The Guild is a registered non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.  Your purchase receipt is your proof of donation for tax purposes.  Thank you for your donation.